
Cyril attended School of Mines University now Federation University, Ballarat & Queens College at Melbourne University as a scholarship student.

All Donations and a portion of the proceeds of all museum sales go to the scholarship program which will be used to assist regional youth to study at university.

memorabilia donations

The Cyril Callister Museum gratefully accepts all donations of memorabilia to add to our displays which showcase the life, work and legacy of Cyril Callister and celebrate all things Vegemite.

Scholarship Donations

Help kids to follow in the footsteps of Cyril Callister.
The Cyril Callister Foundation wants to encourage young people from regional Australia to study science.
A portion of the proceeds of all cash sales and donations go to the scholarship program which will be used to assist regional youth as they study at university.
Cyril attended Melbourne University as a scholarship student.

Donate to the Cyril Callister Foundation

Help the Cyril Callister Foundation on our journey to encourage young people from regional Australia to study science
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Include a gift in your will to change the lives of students in need.

Wording for your will:

Residuary bequest

I give and bequest the rest and residue of my estate both real and personal to the Cyril Callister Foundation Inc – ABN 79513741675

Of 23 Neill St, Beaufort, Victoria 3373 Australia for its general purpose of maintaining the scholarship in the name of Cyril Callister

And declare a receipt at the time shall be sufficient.

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