Meet the Volunteers

Meet Sharn Oxlade and Rosalie Lomas, volunteers at the Cyril Callister Museum, home of inventor Cyril Callister and all things Vegemite, in Beaufort, Victoria.

Sharn, a hairdresser and Cert 2 school teacher, moved to Beaufort for a fella 17 years ago.

“Now l volunteer look after my farmlett and animals. I have volunteered with the CWA. I also helped run the Beaufort market for a few years. I am not sure about the future but will always volunteer somewhere,” she said.


Rosalie moved to country Victoria with her husband in 1975 and said the couple had always lived near small rural towns.

 “I found that the best way to meet people in each new community we found ourselves in, was either to join a local ‘social’ based group or volunteer to support a local community-based project,” she said.

“It was a good way to make new friends and get to know the goings-on in the local area. Every county town has its collection of interest groups: whether it be a mothers’ group, a gardening club or a kindergarten or school council or parents’ committee. It was always rewarding to join in and quickly feel part of the community and many friends have been made over the years.”

The pair love the time they spend at Cyril Callister Museum.

Sharn: “It’s a little bit quirky, like myself.”

Rosalie: “It seemed to be a very unusual concept and being in Beaufort with connections to Chute, where Cyril Callister grew up, it seemed an ideal venue for local people and those travelling through to relive their memories of growing up with Vegemite.  I hope that in some small way my volunteering at the Museum will aid in it becoming a must-see destination for many people.”


Liza Robinson, who runs the museum, is also a volunteer.

“Like so many not-for-profits, the Cyril Callister Museum is run by volunteers. Rosalie and Sharn are two dear friends I have made in Beaufort. Each staffs the museum one day a week while I cover the other two.  We could not run the museum without them.”

Liza said volunteering was a valuable experience.

 “I have done a lot of it through my life, though never more than the work and projects I have undertaken since moving to regional Victoria. It does not look like it will slow up anytime soon.

She said the museum was always looking for volunteers. Those who would like to help can send an email to or call on 0414 082 754.

Cyril Callister Foundation board members also serve in a voluntary capacity.

“We are always searching for new board members. Remember that. At this time, we only need you once a month for a zoom meeting and chat. Bring your ideas and experience,” Liza said.

Learn more about becoming a volunteer at the Cyril Callister Museum. Email or call 0414 082 754.

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