Over the last few months, we’ve been rolling out the The Happy Schools Program. It’s a fun and interactive incursion designed for primary school students that meets the Australian curriculum standards. Its platform is based on telling students an inspirational Australian story of how Cyril Callister, the man who invented Vegemite created a cultural icon.

The impact on students and teachers has been overwhelmingly positive. It not only provides a fascinating window into the past, it has an important message that is relevant to all students today.

We offer students the ingredients for a successful life through The Four Pillars:

This is presented in a fun inspirational discussion by telling Cyril’s unique journey but also providing break out groups to share the students’ own dreams and aspirations.


DARE TO DREAM: It starts with a dream. You’re never too old or too young and dreams can change, grow, deviate and morph. Remember dreams are fluid and they offer us hope.

WALK YOUR PATH: Find your own path. Work out your strengths and weaknesses and what makes you happy. Set goals and objectives, a strategy to achieve your dream.

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: It all starts with you. This will set you up for the curve ball when it comes. Determination and perseverance will give you resilience. Hold onto your self belief.

FIND YOUR TEAM: Reach your full potential through a collaboration of ideas, synergies, and differences from your support crew. Diversity, thinking outside the box, respect and integrity towards the main goal are essential.

And of course, you need a good dose of the key ingredients…perseverance, determination, integrity and resilience!

We are encouraging tomorrow’s little innovators today.

A percentage of the proceeds from the schools program will go to the Cyril Callister Scholarship Fund supporting disadvantaged students pursue a career in science.

Jamie Callister
President of The Cyril Callister Foundation.

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